Inspired by wildlife

Finnish biologist and self-taught artist
Acrylic • Oil • Watercolor • Dotwork • Sculptures
Over 120 original pieces sold worldwide
Based in Regensburg, Germany
Worldwide shipping
Please scroll down for news and exhibitions
News / Collaborations
Registrations for my online courses
Ocean Spirit - Introduction to watercolor and dotwork and
Blended - A beginner's guide to water-mixable oils are currently closed.
Stay tuned for future openings!
Polar beanies and tubes with my Infinity Orca design available at Ourea.
Use code JEXCELL20 for 20% discount!
Fabric with my surface patterns available at Lillalumi
Print-on-demand products available on Redbubble
My painting "Better Days" was shortlisted for DSWF's Wildlife Artist of the Year 2022!
Shark merchandise available through Shark Cafe. 100% of the proceeds will fund shark conservation projects through their nonprofit arm, Shark Allies. I had the honor of talking about my work for an Art for Activism piece to accompany the jewelry - you can read it here!
An A0 print of my orca piece 'Stealth' was on display in the VIP lounge at the UN Climate Change Conference (COP26) as part of the Explorers Against Extinction exhibit. The orcas were up for auction through Explorers Against Extinction, with 100% of the sales price going towards wildlife conservation. The original was exhibited in London in November 2021. More information here.
My painting "L'emur toujours" was shortlisted for DSWF's Wildlife Artist of the Year 2021

No upcoming exhibitions
4th November - 4th December 2020
SKT Gallery virtual exhibition
1st - 8th January 2021
"Pandemonium" Emerging Artist Platform virtual exhibition
25th May - 29th June 2021 DSWF Wildlife Artist of the Year virtual exhibition
31st October - 12th November 2021 United Nations Climate Change Conference
Glasgow, Scotland
November 2021
Sketch for Survival exhibition
OXO Gallery London
26th - 28th November 2021
International Contemporary Art Fair Brussels 2021
1st September - 2nd October 2022 DSWF Wildlife Artist of the Year virtual exhibition
Sketch for Survival Invitational Collection
20th - 23rd October 2022 Dundas Gallery in Edinburgh
16th - 20th November 2022 gallery@oxo in London
7th July - 2nd August 2023
Solo exhibition - Sininen Hetki
Ruotsinpyhtää, Finland
8th December 2023 - 7th January 2024
Group exhibition
Neuer Kunstverein Regensburg
Acrylic commissions closed